Hormone replacement therapy Des Moines, IA - Renew Health Clinic

Understanding Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves using medications to supplement hormones when your body can't produce enough on its own. It can provide relief from uncomfortable signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance and help you feel more energetic, focused, and like your old self again.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

As we age, our hormone production naturally decreases, leading to unpleasant effects such as:

HRT can safely rebalance your hormone levels, helping you avoid these normal signs of aging.

Our Services

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Getting a proper diagnosis is crucial before starting hormone therapy. An initial blood panel checks levels of key hormones like:

Your physician analyzes your symptoms along with lab results to determine which hormones need balancing with supplementation. Ongoing testing helps tailor your treatment plan.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as those made by your body. Options include:

Compared to synthetic formulas, bioidenticals more closely mimic natural hormones, potentially lowering risks.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Many men start testosterone replacement after noticing one or more of the following common low testosterone (low T) symptoms:

Physical Signs

Emotional Changes

Lifestyle Factors

Don't dismiss these as inevitable results of aging. Talk to your doctor if experiencing multiple low T symptoms - restoring optimal testosterone levels can significantly improve your vitality and wellness.

Symptom Description
Erectile dysfunction Inability to achieve/maintain erection for satisfying sex
Reduced muscle mass Loss of lean muscle leading to weakness and fatigue
Hair loss/thinning Gradual hair loss or thinning on the scalp and body
Depression Persistent sad mood, negativity, and hopelessness

Take control of your health with hormone therapy.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

When properly managed by an expert hormonal health specialist, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) offers a long list of advantages:

Physical Changes

Mental Enhancements

Lifestyle Improvements

Overall, most men report feeling younger, stronger, and more vigorous on TRT - regaining their zest for life.

Side Effects and Precautions

As with any treatment, potential side effects depend on factors like your age, dosage, and overall health. Going to an experienced hormone clinic provides proper precautions like:

With an individualized regimen tailored by specialized clinicians, most men safely benefit from testosterone therapy.

Innovative Treatments Offered at Renew Health Clinic

At Renew Health Clinic, we use cutting-edge therapies and advanced hormone testing to uncover your unique imbalances. Then, our experts develop customized treatment plans you won't find elsewhere.

Effective Hormone Delivery Methods

Convenience improves adherence for long-term benefits. We provide all options below:


Plus, we offer cutting-edge peptide protocols and anti-aging therapies like SERMs.

Genetic Testing

Analyzing your DNA helps predict responses to treatments. Gene tests check:

Then we customize therapy based on your genetics - eliminating guesswork.

Nutrigenomic Testing

This reveals how your genes interact with nutrients. Discovering problem areas allows targeted diet and supplement strategies, boosting treatment effectiveness.

Importance of Hormone Treatment

Neglecting persistent hormone-related symptoms diminishes your quality of life now and your health long-term. But the good news is - relief is within reach through hormone replacement therapy.

Reduce Risk of Serious Illness

Balancing hormones lessens the likelihood of developing major diseases like:

By supporting healthy circulation, blood sugar, weight, and cognition, hormone optimization protects your future vitality.

Don't Settle for Feeling Old and Tired

Hormone decline isn't something you should accept as inevitable. Hormone replacement therapy allows you to:

Regain your:

Don't dismiss this as a normal part of aging. Our specialized clinicians help reclaim your inner vitality!

Risk Benefit of Hormone Therapy
Heart disease Improves heart health by increasing good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides
Diabetes Helps regulate insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels
Obesity Increases the ability to lose stubborn fat while building lean muscle

Take control of your health with hormone therapy.

Get Your Life Back with Renew Health Clinic

At Renew Health Clinic, we help patients like you - frustrated with having to settle for not feeling your best - to thrive again.

Why We Excel in Hormone Replacement

With Renew Health Clinic, you gain access to:

Our Core Focus: Your Well-being

We created Renew Health Clinic because helping people optimize their vitality gives us joy.

Your well-being comes first - not profit margins. We take the time to listen compassionately and tailor treatment to your physiology for the best possible results.

You're a whole person - so we consider both your physical and emotional health needs.

If that speaks to you too, reach out for a free consultation to ask all your questions without pressure or sales pitches.

We can't wait to earn your trust and help you feel amazing again!

Patient Stories

Hear first-hand how balancing hormones transformed lives positively:

"My energy levels had dropped so low that I had to drag myself through each day and then crash on the sofa at 6 pm. I assumed this was just old age catching up with me. Now with optimized hormones, I'm working out vigorously 5 days a week with enough energy to play sports after work too."

"Ever since my mid-40s, erections became unreliable, and low libido killed intimacy with my wife. I was embarrassed to talk to doctors about ED medications which don't fix the root cause anyway. Now on hormone replacement therapy, I feel 18 years old again sexually with rock-hard erections. But I also feel mentally sharper and less stressed overall."

"Out of desperation, I finally asked my doctor to check my hormone levels. Despite eating well and running every day, the belly fat and muscle loss depressed me. Balancing my hormones helped me quickly drop fat, revealing those six-pack abs again. But even better is reclaiming my former positive mindset."

Perhaps their stories resonate with you too? Take steps to feel younger and regain your best self by contacting our caring medical team for a consultation today.

We encourage you not to wait, as restoring your wellness and confidence won't happen on its own. You deserve to thrive!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to those your body produces. They mirror natural hormones more closely than synthetics, aiming to restore optimal levels safely.

Am I too young for hormone therapy?

Symptoms can start in your 30s as production declines. We help men of all ages with low testosterone, thyroid, and related imbalances regain energy and well-being.

Will balancing hormones make me feel overly aggressive?

Proper testosterone therapy makes you feel more like your old self - driven, focused, and ambitious - without the aggression or mood swings from oversupplementing.

Is hormone treatment safe long-term?

Clinical research supports the safety and efficacy of properly managed bioidentical hormone replacement for years when individually tailored and monitored by an expert.

How soon until I feel a difference on hormones?

Most patients report significant improvements in energy, sexual function, and well-being within 1-2 weeks. Continued benefits accrue over 3-6 months, reaching optimal levels.

Can hormone therapy be combined with other treatments?

Yes, absolutely. Optimizing hormones vastly enhances outcomes from fitness programs, nutrition plans, mental health counseling, and procedures like surgery or physical therapy.


At Renew Health Clinic, we encourage you to learn more about restoring your vitality through professional care from our compassionate medical team. Contact us when you're ready to feel like your old self again!

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